If you are someone "in the know", or know someone "in the know", or more likely: know someone who knows someone "in the know", then you've already heard this rumor. If not, let me tell you that allegedly Bill Murray and Jenny Lewis were, and maybe still are, sexing.
I heard this rumor about a month or so ago and have not found any evidence of In flagrante delicto, but he definitely followed her around the country while she was on tour with Conor Oberst. There are many accounts and sightings of the two together.
If there's any truth to the rumor, that's awesome. It's really none or our business, but Bill Murray is a stud and quite possibly the funniest man alive. Jenny Lewis is ok too I guess.
I was going to post Bill Murray covering Roxy Music from the Lost in Translation soundtrack, and a Rilo Kiley song, but I decided I'd rather post these two gems from the Rushmore soundrack. Enjoy.
Cat Stevens - The Wind
The Creation - Making Time
Rushmore Soundtrack at Amazon.com
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