Monday, August 31, 2009

Blind Pilot

Blind Pilot is a folk indie duo from Portland, OR. Their brand of music is poppy and catchy, but has dark undertones compliments of appropriately used accordians and trumpets. The songs are thoughtful and well written, and very, very accessible.

For fans of Blitzen Trapper Calexico

One Red Thread
Two Towns From Me

Blind Pilot on Amazon

Friday, August 14, 2009

Sunset Rubdown

Sunset Rubdown is from Montreal, Canada. They have ties to Wolf Parade (as Spencer Krug is the principal songwriter), Pony Up!, Frog Eyes, and more. Their brand of music is pretty much straight up indie rock blending layered vocals and multi-instrument arrangements. Orchestral and melodic, but also dark, brooding and, in parts, dreamy.

For fans of Wolf Parade, Modest Mouse, Handsome Furs.

You Go On Ahead
Idiot Heart

Sunset Rubdown on Amazon

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Thorns of Life

Thorns of life is a band that features Blake Schwarzenbach (Jawbreaker, Jets to Brazil), Aaron Cometbus (Pinhead Gunpowder, Crimpshrine) and Daniela Sea (the L Word and random punk bands). The songs sound very Jawbreaker-ey, and the lyrics are textbook Blake. In my opinion, this is something every Jawbreaker fan will love. At the very least, it's great to hear Blake making music again.

Thorns Of Life @ 924 Gilman St. Jan 31, 09.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Henry Clay People

The Henry Clay People

The Henry Clay People are a band from California, the LA area to be more specific. They play an more modern style of mid 90s alt rock. They're like the cool kids born to the Replacments, Soul Asylum and Cracker. That is if the Replacments, Soul Asylum and Cracker could actually mate and produce human offspring. And, those human offspring played these songs.

Something in the Water
Working Part Time

Working Part Time (Emusic)
For Cheap or For Free (direct from label)

Monday, March 9, 2009

How Dare You

How Dare You are a rock band from Orlando, FL. They play a nostalgic brand of melodic postcore indie. As much as I hate the "emo" label, their sound is most easily lumped into this category. Their music reminds me of a lot of early 2000 bands, most specifically, Hot Water Music. While they are reminiscent of the Draft, Lawrence Arms, and HWM, they're not derivative. They have defnitely found their own niche in this genre and with their debut album, "Comfort Road", they have established themselves as a band to watch out for in the next coming years.

Beacon St.
Week of Heart Attacks


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tokyo Police Club

TPC is a Canadian indie rock band that teeters on the edge between mathy indie and dancey indie. Their songs are upbeat, fun and well structured. They are extremely catchy without being homogenous or watered down. In fact, the songs are subtly complex without forcing the listener to get too involved.

For fans of: Wolf Parade, We Are Scientists, Foals

A Lesson in Crime

Tokyo Police Club on Amazon

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bound Stems

Bound Stems

Bound Stems are a band from Chicago, Illinois who play pretty standard indie rock. While I say standard, I don't mean that their music is standard, they just fall into the genre comfortably. They don't try to incorporate any Alt-Folk or Experimental Noise rock. Nothing like that. They play fun, melodic indie rock and it's refreshing.

For Fans of Shout Out Louds, French Kicks, Death Cab, etc.

Happens to Us All Otherwise
Passing Bell
